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Beginners guide to the Houston commute

Living 23 miles away from campus makes it a little difficult to run home and grab something I forgot in the morning, especially when I had to battle Houston’s notorious traffic.

As a UH commuter, I have learned through trial and error what you truly need to be toting
with you daily when you step on the University of Houston campus.

So here are some of the items I believe to be essential to any commuter:
Weather protection

The weather in Houston is unpredictable. It is always better to plan ahead and keep an umbrella in your car, maybe even keep a rain jacket and an extra pair of shoes in there while you are at it. You may even want to get in the habit of checking the weather before you leave and plan to bring rain boots if it’s looking like rain.

Sun protection

If you are blessed enough to take an 8 a.m. class*, chances are that you will catch the sunrise, which means the sun will be in that sweet spot where the visor doesn’t quite cover it and will proceed to completely blind you. Protect your eyes with sunglasses. Also, add a little sunscreen to your hands if you are feeling your skin wither under the blistering sun.
*Don’t take 8 a.m. classes if you don’t like waking up early.

Comfort for days
Days will come when your classes will get canceled, or you will have a break, and you will want to take a nap. Pack a pillow and a blanket in your trunk, so you can comfortably snooze in the back of your car whenever you need to, just make sure you set an alarm for your next class!

Traveling wardrobe
Maybe you are not feeling the fit anymore; maybe you had a long day and want to be in sweats; maybe you are cold and need a jacket. Have a bag with comfy clothes in the back of your trunk. Your pair of sweatpants or leggings and a hoodie will save you one day. Also, a back-up shirt or two for when you inevitably spill something on yourself while eating in your car or running to class will ensure you don’t spend the rest of your day smelling like a breakfast taco or Starbucks coffee.

Snack time
Trust me, there will be days when you are so late you forget to have breakfast and having a few granola bars in the car will ensure your stomach doesn’t growl in the middle of class. Also, consider that buying snacks in bulk is cheaper than buying them individually from vending machines on campus. So, for all students on a budget, this will save you big bucks in the long run.

Toiletries on the go

Keeping a spare deodorant, maybe some perfume or cologne and a toothbrush and toothpaste will save you from the all-nighter in the library you pull during finals. Also, remember
those spare clothes? Yup, they will make you feel like a brand-new person, just make sure you
shower when you get home.

After all of this, if you feel like you are getting ready to live out of your car, perfect! I have done my job! Being a commuter will probably mean you spend a lot of time in your car, so why not make it as comfortable as possible? Lastly, be sure to drive safe.